Saturday, May 29, 2010

Where in the world have I been?

Wooo!  My sweet blog friends....where in the world have I been all month?

Let me just say that the month of May has been INSANE....INSANE good...but crazy nonetheless....

So I wanted to catch you up, first of all, at little admin....

Let me first tell you that the mission of Signs of Life was to be an encouragement and a place for me to post short stories that would eventually lead to the publishing of the devotional, Signs of Life: Adventures of an Everyday Soul. And it's been a great run of that....then I made friends and now Signs of Life is more of a true journal....and I like it that I am transitioning this site to be more of a "What's up in my/our life" place. That being said, I will be posting my stories on and/or

I just posted about God's eternal love and forgiveness over on check it out!

Ok, now that all that is out of the way...what have I been doing?

Well...the short answer is speaking to women's's been such an awesome month of meeting new friends and sharing God's message for women and their friendships, and Strings Attached is really starting to gain momentum.  Pray for discernment and guidance for me as I navigate the waters of women's ministry...they are sometimes murky.

I spoke to my home church on May 15 and just returned from a trip to Burlington,  KS to speak to a budding support group there...Both great experiences in very different ways!

Let's see what else...Xander started baseball and is doing really well! We are enjoying watching his games!

My sister graduated from college and we spent some wonderful time with family celebrating that awesome accomplishment.

The kids are out for the summer and I am so looking forward to the next few weeks! We are headed to Maryland for a few days to attend Charlie's brother's wedding and then on to the Outerbanks for a week at the beach! YAY! I am so excited! As an aside, I am looking for a place to speak while I am in  town, so if you are east coast NC or western MD and have a group for me to speak or would like to host a book signing  June 9-19, message me!

Other than that not much going on! So nice to catching up! What are you guys up to?


  1. Hey Cari...thanks for stopping by....May has been a difficult month..I wish it had been as exciting as yours! Congratulations....hope the new ministry continues to go well...our kids aren't done school for another month yet...enjoy your holiday!

  2. Wow! You have had a busy month! so glad your ministry is flourishing! Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have so missed "chatting" with all the Coffee Talk crew! Have a great weekend!

  3. Reading and Re reading strings attached as I prepare to take it to some places I'll be this summer...glad you're doing great

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    It sure seems like you're leading a busy life, and one that you truly enjoy :)

    Have fun over the next few weeks!

  5. so many exciting thing happening over there! may your ministries be blessed.

    congrats to your sister on her graduation, and to charlie's brother on his upcoming wedding!
